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Ecstasy (MDMA) is an empathogenic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine classes of drugs. Also, MDMA has become widely known as “ecstasy”, usually referring to its street form, although this term may also include. In addition, Buy MDMA Pills Online Order now
In addition, Mdma Pills 100mg has become a popular drug, ordered from us because of the positive effects. Moreso, a person may experience within an hour after taking a single dose this is because our products are 95% pure. Furthermore, those effects include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, empathy toward others, a general sense of well-being, and decreased anxiety.
How does MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) affect the brain?
MDMA exerts its primary effects in the brain o²n neurons that use the chemicals serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine to communicate with other neurons.
Serotonin is most likely responsible for the feelings of empathy, elevated mood, and emotional closeness experienced with this drug. Furthermore, these neurotransmitter systems play an important role in regulating:
- mood
- energy/activity and the reward system
- appetite
- aggression
- sexual activity
- sleep
- sensitivity to pain
- heart rate, blood pressure.
How is MDMA used in medicine?
The DEA considers MDMA an illegal schedule I drug with no recognized medical uses.
Researchers are looking at MDMA use as a possible treatment for:
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- anxiety in terminally ill patients
- social anxiety in autistic adults
Recently, the FDA designated MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD as a breakthrough therapy, and ongoing MDMA studies can be found on
Tolerance (need to increase the dose to feel the same effect)
Tolerance to MDMA appears to develop quickly. Also, it becomes difficult, if not impossible for users to experience the same effects they did when they first started.
Additional Infos
Ecstasy use and the manufacture of it are illegal, but there are a couple of good reasons to synthesize your own MDMA or MDA. Furthermore, the use of ecstasy, specifically in high quantities, can lead to neurotoxicity and memory deficits. In addition, this book discusses the physiological effects of the drug, how the demographics of the drug’s use have changed, and how to produce ecstasy.