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Stratos cannabis thc pills for pain sit among the height of cannabis technology. cbd pills near me, produced by a team of expert cultivators, scientists, and engineers, Stratos offers a line of functional cannabis products formulated to satisfy your specific needs and desires. Buy over the counter thc pills
These THC/CBD pills offer an excellent option for patients looking for the benefits of both THC and CBD in one easy-to-take pill. Patients will enjoy the pain relieving, anti-depressant effects of CBD while still achieving the relaxed, free minded effects of THC. buy thc and cbd pills
Ratio Breakdown
- 1:1 contain 5mg CBD and 5mg THC per pill.
- 15:1 contain 5mg CBD and .33mg THC per pill.
- 25:1 contain 25mg CBD and 1.65mg THC per pill.
CBD vs. THC: Major Differences
It’s actually difficult to summarize the differences between CBD vs. THC in a nutshell, but here are the most vivid ones:
- CBD won’t make you feel high in the way THC does because it’s a non-intoxicant.
- CBD has more than 65 molecular targets, but it doesn’t directly bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain.
- CBD helps the body achieve and maintain higher levels of endocannabinoids in the bloodstream.
- CBD can dampen the high from THC.
- CBD is mostly associated with medical, health, and wellness benefits.
- CBD doesn’t cause toxicity, even in large amounts.
- CBD is safe for animals.
- CBD can be extracted from hemp and marijuana.
- Hemp-derived CBD products are legal on a federal level.
- THC can get you high because it has intoxicating properties.
- People often link THC to recreational cannabis use, although it has many therapeutic benefits too.
- Lower doses of THC can reduce stress and anxiety, but higher doses can aggravate these feelings in sensitive users due to its biphasic nature.
- THC sends signals to the brain by binding to cannabinoid receptors CB1.
- THC can be extracted only from marijuana plants.
- THC is fully legal in Canada and Uruguay. In the USA, 16 states have legalized its recreational use.